Is Star Funding England and Wales officially registered?
Yes, our company has official registration in the England and Wales, registration number 06099866 , and operates within the legal framework of the country of registration.
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Does your company have an office?
The official representative office of Star Funding is located in London. Contact information is published in the “Contacts” section
Is it possible to invest credit funds
No, we do not accept credit and borrowed funds. According to the Rules of the company, clients can invest only their own money.
Are there any risks when investing in your company?
By opening a deposit, Clients should understand that any investment is always associated with risk, which is proportional to the profit. In turn, we have selected the best compromise between profitability and risk when drafting investment proposals.
In any case, only those funds are subject to investment, the loss of which will not cause global damage to the financial condition of the Client.
Who can become an investor in Star Funding?
Any adult and legally competent user can open a profitable deposit in Star Funding using the online investment platform. A client doesn’t need to have even the initial knowledge of the financial market or have any experience in investing – income in Star Funding is passive.
There is no answer to my question. Where can I get help?
All questions and suggestions related to the work of Star Funding and its investment platform are accepted via the Support service